
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

苦瓜 + 鐘無豔 = 我哭了

苦瓜[陈奕迅] + 鐘無豔[謝安琪] = 我哭了[張學友]

大概今生有些事 是提早都不可以 明白其妙處
被你一貫的讚許 卻不配愛下去
我甘於當副車 也是快樂著唏噓
彼此這麼了解 難怪註定似兄妹一對
是誰人在暗示 事前強烈暗示 二人大概出了事
是誰人誤了事 事前從未注視 未曾問你的意思
我自信 仍不遲 想告解 我心意 方法只有一個 都要一試未算易
我痛恨成熟到 不要你望著我流淚 但漂亮笑下去 彷彿冬天飲雪水
珍惜淡定的心境 苦過後更加清
到大悟大徹將一切都昇華 這一秒坐擁晚霞 

Monday, November 28, 2011

Apple Vs Non-Apple (Orange)?

I think different people need different products.That's why God created Steve Job, Bill Gate, Dennis Ritchie, Lady Gaga, Morita Akio or J. K. Rowling...etc. Cool people need cool phone, I love my Samsung Galaxy s2 and also my old iPhone 3G. Before I saw lots of senior people (60+) holding the iphone 3G and scroll and scroll and scroll..... with their Glasses on the top of their nose! Now, I cannot see any old people holding my Samsung Galaxy s2 since it is not easy to use as an Iphone!

And now, I feel that I am cool... haha

Somebody showing me a new friend - Siri works so good and my Galaxy s2 ... haha... don't bother talking to him.. please...

I am using a MacBook which I found it is the best laptop in the world. So easy to use!!!! MacBook knows me a lot but I did not really know him because Macbook does not really allow people to know him easily. Com'on!!! Where is the registry Keys? Can I do regedit? Can I know what does 37920-20392-19302-10392.mp64 means? Haha..

PC allows me to do whatever I want!!!! Come on Baby, take off your Bikini... and... PC will take it off right away... WOW!!!!! So easy.. (so cheap too.. haha). For Macbook, she said,"Yes, I can take it off for you but you need to pay $999999999999.99 on App Store!!!!!

If you are an app developer, I think you want to work for Apple appstore more since you may get more profit! (Old people do not know how to Jail break their iphones...OR Also there is only one screen size! Your app only needs to care 1 size) For Android phone, After 2 secs your apps released, it will be on So fast!!! (If your app is not there yet, it is because your app sucks... haha)

This is all my opinion and I am not an expert. So, feel free to comment.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Good news this morning!!!

Got a pass mark on a course I took!!! It is my last assignment... What a good news for the morning.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011







節目主持:魏綺珊 葉冠霖

Monday, August 15, 2011

WYD 2011 Theme Song - Chinese Official Version 普世青年節2011主題曲 - 粵語版

WYD 2011 Theme Song - Chinese Official Version
普世青年節2011主題曲 - 粵語版

I have participated on translating the WYD 2011 theme song from Spanish to Chinese (Cantonese). It is now official for the whole World to download and listen to it until Aug 30th.

Thank you Photon Distribution have trusted me for this holy work.

Thank you Ambrose Chiu came to Montreal and invite me to do this job!!!!

Thank you Ricky (who is my mentor). Ricky: Your Patience is unlimited!!!

Thank you for Anne Cheung to sing this song in Canto since it is a VERY VERY difficult song to sing!!!

Thank you Justin Ming Sai Au for the recording!!!!

Thank you Rodney Leung for your support.

Thanks God to give me such a precious opportunity to be part of WYD which you know that I may not be physically affordable!!!!! Wonderful Plan.

Link to Download -


曲/詞 Enrique Vázquez, pbro
翻譯 陳樹江
唱 Anne Cheung

Firmes en la fe, firmes en la fe!
同 步 去 讓 我 親 近 我 的 基 督 祂 是 天 主

¡Gloria siempre a Él! ¡Gloria siempre a Él!
現 正 親 近 我 的 君 王 全 賴 信 天 主

讚 美 上 主 永 遠 榮 耀 (高 舉) 祢
願 我 生 命 與 祢 一 起 一 生 靠 著 祢

仁 愛 是 會 堅 守 在 我 心 中
從 十 架 中 可 找 到 真 的 方 向
耶 穌 身 體 養 活 人, 途 上 扶 助 我
衪 的 血 為 我 傾 出 新 生、 歡 笑
基 督! 祢 為 我 犧 牲
基 督! 祢 令 我 歡 欣
完 全 是 祢
定 我 心 壯 信 德
全 憑 接 近 上 主

和 暖 是 祢 的 噓 氣 像 那 清 風
全 賴 祢 笑 聲 施 祝 福 跟 恩 寵
耶 穌 的 傷 口 在 燃 亮 著 無 盡 愛
哀 傷 作 代 價 清 洗 帶 罪 靈 魂
基 督! 祢 為 我 犧 牲
基 督! 祢 令 我 歡 欣
完 全 是 祢
定 我 心 壯 信 德
全 憑 接 近 上 主

連 瑪 莉 亞 也 走 近 伴 我 一 起
來 為 祢 唱 歌 祝 福 這 段 路 途
齊 歌 讚 基 督 敗 仇 敵 完 全 獲 勝
祂 經 已 為 眾 生 解 死 的 束 縛
基 督! 祢 為 我 犧 牲
基 督! 祢 令 我 歡 欣
完 全 是 祢
定 我 心 壯 信 德
全 憑 接 近 上 主

Executive Productor: Justin Au
Project Manager: Ambrose Chiu
Special Thanks to Ricky Cheung for mentoring

Thank you !!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

My wish list - Books

Click here to check my BOOK wish list

Montreal Chinese Catholic Mission held a badminton competition on July 30th -- 31st. Thank you for your support!

Thank you everyone who has worked in the MCCM Badminton tournament. It is really a miracle. There were 60+ people on July 30th. All the beefball sold within 2 hours. There were Canto, Mandarin, English and French people to have fun together in a pretty hot day. The age was from 8 years old to 85+ years old (Fr. Tou was there to support!!!). It is a Miracle! Thank you for Uncle Peter Chan + Youth Club for the snack bar. Thank you for our 2 photographers: Vincent Lo and Peipei Hu. Thank you for all the setup people: Yuan Lee, Emma Yuen, Matthew Suen, Kathleen Wong, Wilson Wong, Wong Tai 黃太 + Many others!!!! Thank you for our 2 judges: Ho Ming Li and Gill Huang!!! Thank you for all the participants as well. Without participants, we won't be able to have this tournament that successful.

Champion: Kevin Du & Blair Du
2nd place: Maxwell Ku & Cyrus Yeung

Special Thanks:

Thank you All the Priests
Peter Chan
Wilson Wong
Helen Lee
Dai Hua Yu
Yang Li
Billy Chan
Josephine Wong (黃太)
Matthew Suen
Lys Lau
Jeff Li & Gill Huang (Judge)
Vincent Lo & Pei Pei Hu (Photographer)
Montreal Chinese Catholic Mandarin Group
Montreal Chinese Catholic Youth Club
Montreal Chinese Catholic Altar Club

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

窮富翁大作戰 II

2011.02.08 窮富翁大作戰II真人騷 六位政商界名人及富豪後代體驗貧窮
[Read more]
2011.02.15 田北辰變身掃街清潔工
[Read more]
2011.02.22 名流之子周國豐變身低收入低學歷八十後
[Read more]
2011.03.01 外資銀行高層之女入讀基層小學 與媽媽屈居小套房

[Read more]
2011.03.08 國際手提電話品牌港澳區掌舵人 飢寒交迫露宿街頭
[Read more]
2011.03.15 親子集團行政總裁變身天水圍師奶 做小販兼跨區兼職搵兩餐
[Read more]
2011.03.22 投資公司主席變身清貧長者 做天光墟小販兼街頭拾荒
[Read more]

窮富翁大作戰 I

2009.08.22 真人騷:揭示貧富懸殊困局
[Read more]
2009.08.29 桌球高手優皮士變身流浪漢
[Read more]
2009.09.05 選美天后變身洗碗阿姐決戰板間房120小時.
[Read more]
2009.09.12 上市公司 CEO 變身垃圾佬
[Read more]
2009.09.19 幸福少奶奶變身 綜援新移民母親慳得一蚊得一蚊
[Read more]

Monday, February 7, 2011


2011.02.06 (年初四)
Mary Kay 之 蒙城玉兔迎新春[重溫]

8:00 am - 9:00 am

9:00 am - 10:00 am

10:00 am - 11:00 am

11:00 am - 11:30 am

11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Monday, January 24, 2011

Theology of the Body @ Montreal 2011.01.22 - 23 by Christopher West

Notes are coming soon


Session 1 - What is the Theology of the Body? - Christopher West:

Session 2 - The Gift of Creation and Redemption - Christopher West:

    Session 2.1 - Question: What should we do when we have lust and neither repressed nor indulge is an option?

Session 3 - The Marriage Made in Heaven - Christopher West:

Session 4 - The Marriage of Heaven and Earth - Christopher West:


Introduction: Man and Woman, He created them - Sister Susannah Kelly & Father L'abbé Francesco Giordano

Town Hall

Friday, January 21, 2011


I went to a talk by Mr. Christopher West ( last night at McGill University. Here are some intro and and recording:
2 words "Freedom" and "Love" are very important for us to live. We spent our whole life to fight for freedom and love. They are closely related. The definition about love and freedom in our culture is very different than people who follow Jesus.

The Truman Show (

We are hungry, but sex cannot fill us up!

God created us male and female and made us fertile. Don't treat a person as a piece of meat!

Are we really having fun? Getting drunk and getting laid? Why we have to numb ourselves?

Be courageous enough to be alone with yourself without any noise and listen to what your heart is telling you. Even if your heart is telling you that you are not happy.

Be courageous to feel what you really feel!

Sexual revolution of the 20th century which is understandable as a reaction to the punish-less and fear of the sexuality which is typical of the previous era.The Sexual revolution went to another extreme. It promised us there will be "better" relationship with men and women. There will be more happiness, more freedom, more joy! Are men and women really more happier?

Theology of the Body by Pope John Paul is a BANQUET!

If we not in control of our own desires (Sexual desires), We will inevitablely seek to others to seek to gratify our desires.

Our culture convinced us that sex, sex and more sex is what we want!

Authentic sexual liberation is not the freedom to indulge one’s compulsions. Rather, it is freedom from the compulsion to indulge. Only to the degree that a person is free from the tyranny of lustful impulses is he capable of being a true gift to others.

Man is not an animal ruled by instinct. He is a rational animal who, to live in accord with his own dignity, must act freely.

Your body does not make sense by itself... we can look at creation. There must be a plan.

The talk is very inspired, at least made me think for the whole night.
Enjoy the talk!!!!

Part 1 - Introduction - Sr. Marine: [Download]

Part 2 - Talk - Christopher West: [Download]

Part 3 - Respondent 1 - Prof Daniel Cere: [Download]

Part 4 - Respondent 2 - Sister Susannah Kelly: [Download]

Part 5 - Conclusion - Christopher West: [Download]

Friday, January 7, 2011

香港最低工資: 荒謬!!!


時薪廿八元 x 40小時(一個星期) x 4個星期 (一個月) 即大約 $4480 一個月.

菲傭一個月 = $3320 (包食、包住、包燕梳、包來回機票)
即係 (食 + 住 + 燕梳 + 菲律賓來回機票) = $1160


建議香港人移民菲律賓再申請來港當菲傭... 哈哈... 但請不要上旅遊巴
難怪菲律賓總統阿基諾三世(Benigno Aquino III)這樣笑港人!!!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Interview clips updated!

Happy New Year!!!!

2 0 1 1 .. YEH!!!!!

I have updated a page called FM 102.3 Happy Wednesday. (Click here to enter.) I will try to put all the interview clips there for you to review.
